Today is Friday and I had big plans for myself. Well, nothing really exciting. I was hoping to go to the Ladies Fellowship Thanksgiving Dinner at my Church tonight. I don't know if I am going to make it. It started on Thursday morning but I ignored the symptoms. I went to the Coumadin Center to get my INR levels checked and they were high. It was the prednisone they told me. No problem they adjusted my coumadin levels and I am to go back in 8 days. Still I am ignoring the symptoms because I want to feel good. (But I can feel the heavyheaded feeling coming, the confusion is starting.) I get to my neuro. While waiting for her to come into the examing room I begin crying and twitching. She walks into the room. After everything calms down she examines me. Ahhhh, Haaaa, she says, in her adorable Russian accent. Now I see, something is off. My reflexes are not right. I cannot walk right. She finally sees my seizure in action. My blood work shows that she cannot increase my seizure meds. She wants me to see the Head of the Epilepsy Center at the hospital to see if he can recommend different meds. She makes the referral. We talk about a SPECT Scan and a lumbar puncture. We agree to do a scan first and then if warranted a puncture later. A puncture is to invasive.
Especially since I am on coumadin. Too much prep. We talk about APS and how I have read that how if a person is on coumadin that symptoms should disappear. She tells me that this doesn't happen all the time. She tells me that I have to understand that APS is a relatively obsecure disorder and that there is not much known about. (Like I haven't read all of this) It's only been known about since the late 1980's. She told me to look at it like this.... A diabetic and insulin........ sometimes it works....... sometimes not. Some diabetics have what is called insulin resistent diabetes. Makes sense and makes me feel better and not like a crazy lunatic. Of course she tells me to hang in there. They all tell me to hang in there. It's easy for them to say that. It's not their brain that is slowly losing the ability to function.
Well anyway, my brain is hurting this morning. Last night while trying to do my meds with my husband I just lost it. I could not concentrate. I could not remember what was what. I sat there looking at all those pill bottles and drew a total blank. I just started crying. It's such a scary thing to not know.
((((((((((((((Lu))))))))))))))) I am so sorry, sweetie. I wish there was something I could do, wave my magic wand, and make all of this go away for you. I can only imagine how you are feeling. If you need me, you know where I am.
Love ya,
So sorry, Luanne. What is APS? I may know a little what it feels like for you when I get my confusion with my high pressure in my head. I have memory problems and do call kinds of strange things. Dizzy spells come and I black out even. God Bless you at this time, honey. Prayers go up for you.. Love, Val xox
Lu, I know how upsetting these episodes are for you, because it is so scary to not know. I do admit that I am very relieved that your doctor actually got to witness your seizure activity. Now the docs can move in the correct direction with all of this. Is the confusion, in part, due to the post-seizure stuff? When Bear would have a seizure he was pretty out of it for quite awhile afterwards. The only thing to do was sleep.
Love, Loretta
lu, sending you email:)sara
(((((((((((((((Lu dear)))))))))))))) Sweetie I am so sorry this cruddy feeling is hitting you now, but I am relieved your doc got to see for herself what is is like and that she is sending you to someone whom we hope and pray is the very best in this field of medicine!
I am praying for you, dearheart.
loving you
Dearest Luanne,
I am so sorry, you must be so scared when the confusion overcomes you. I cry for you my friend. I cry very sincerely and my face is wet. There was a time when I was also very confused. Fortunately for me, things got better. I am praying the same for you. It is good that you are turning to God. It took a lot of figuring out how to do it, but I finally grasped the concept of when people had told me to hand my problems over to God. This is how I maintained my sanity through it all, and was able to stay calm. I took it very literally when they told me to let God handle my problems. I even let bills go late or unpaid and simply asked God to take care of those too. My depters started calling and I told them God was paying my bills right now. Would you believe it? Some of them understood, and they didn't act like I was crazy. I have no clue how, but they all got paid. Money even came from places unexpectedly. My faith grew and grew. This didn't all happen overnight. It is hard to let go of worries, or to believe in miracles! I couldn't think straight enough to pay the bills Luanne. I couldn't even write out a simple check. I had so much mental and physical baggage in my life that I had even given up on having a mans love. I had given up on even being normal again. I slept with stuffed animals like a child. I was totally alone. Only I didnt wallow in pity, God was my best friend. I felt retarded and confused, but happy. I wish I could tell you how it is done. It just takes a lot searching for inner faith and I guess the courage to let go. I believe you are headed down this beautiful road. God is the best thing that ever happened to me. I pray for him to be with you always. My church is always in my heart.
Love u Bunches,
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