Saturday, October 2, 2004

No Subject

I'm tired today.  My neurologist has increased one of my seizure meds Trileptal because my seizure activity has increased. Not only has it increased but they are different types of seizures. I have to go from 300 mgs twice a day to 300 mgs in the AM and 600 mgs in the PM.  Then to 600 mgs twice a day.  I have to gradually increase this after a week of the PM increase.  Okay so now I can fall asleep earlier than 7 PM.  Hey would you like to know what my meds consist of.  Okay I will tell you.......

AM Meds:

Trileptal 300mg Seizure med (for now)

Topanax 200 mg Seizure med

Namenda 10mg (memantine) Lupus Celebritis ~also used to treat moderate to severe Alzheimer's Disease

Celebrex 200mg for pain ~~ the next one to be recalled

Prozac 20 mg ~~ Can you guess why?

Prevacid 300 mg ~~ self explanatory

Xanax .25 mg ~~ It's an anti anxiety, but I take it for a tic disorder.

B12 Injections depending upon blood work


Vitamin E 600 i.u.

Chewable C-250 mg

PM Meds

Coumadin dosages vary depending upon INR levels

Trileptal 600 mgs

Topamax 200 mgs

Nameda (memantine) 10 mg

Prozac 20mg

Celebrex 200 mg

Prevacid 30 mg

Crestor 10 mg cholesterol

Folic Acid 1mg at risk of heart disease because of APS

Acidophilus with Pectin

DHEA 25mg

PRN Meds

Lovonex Injections (when INR levels become too low I need to be protected and self inject Lovonex which is low molecular weight heparin.

Tylenol 4

Celebrex 400 mg



Meds on Hold

CellCept  due to anemia

And, yet I function.  How?  I still can't believe it.  I wonder if I will be able to after the increase of the Trileptel.   The neuro tells me that maybe wel will be able to stop the Topamax and just go with the Trileptel.  I dunno.  I didn't tell her yesterday but I believe that the Topamax is keeping the head pain somewhat at a tolerable level. 

Just a note:  Check out Loretta's journal this month, she is writing excellent stuff about Lupus. It's  Lupus Awareness Month!  You go Loretta.  If it weren't for my Dear Friend Loretta,  I wouldn't be writing this journal at all.  So do what I say and read her journal okay. I really think you should have a peek. Here is the link ~~~>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Lu, we have a mutual fan club going on...LOL!
I am sorry that you have had to have your medications increased, but on the other hand...I have been concerned for awhile because I know you have really been through a rough patch. I hope this treatment change workds. I also hope that you sleep well...and that the sleep is healing. Many beautiful dreams, Lu.
(((((LU))))) Love, Loretta