Thursday, October 14, 2004


I'm tired tonight!  Actually I am more drained than I am tired.  My mind and my body have been through the ringer today.  But, I believe I am going to be fine.  I have learned how to do something valuable today.  I have learned how to "Let Go".  We have all heard  "Letting  Go"  I don't really think I need to put it in my journal tonight.  But there are a few sentences in "Letting Go" that I would like to include.  And, I will conclude my journal entry for this evening.......

To let go is to not be in the middle arranging the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their own destinies.

Dear Lord, I lift up to you these things that which I need to let go of, you know what they are Lord. I give them to you. Amen!


Anonymous said...

Lu dear, and a big AMEN! to that.  I am patting you on the back, dear and praying for and
loving you

Anonymous said...

I am learning more about letting go since I became a parent. Little guy asks me to fix a toy and then he refuses to let go of it while I try to make the necessary repairs. Sort of like what we do to God when we ask for fixing. God can't do the "fixing" when we won't let go. Here is a thought, I used to keep a shoebox that I called the Letting God box. Every time I started to worry away at a problem... I would write it down and put it in the box. The physical act of letting go of the thought in paper and then physically placing it in the God box helped a lot.
(((((HUGS))))) Loretta