Thursday, October 14, 2004

Delicious Ambiguity

Gilda Radner:
I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious ambiguity.

Gilda Radner was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in 1986 and passed away in 1989 at 43 years old. I read that she went through excruciating operations and chemo treatments.  And in the end was afraid to receive pain medication because she thought that she might not awake from it.  I don't know why I am writing about her today in my journal except that I was going over some stuff in my favorite places and came across this and liked her quote and then I did some searching on the web about her.  I remember her death and I remember her life.  I loved her on Saturday Night Live when I was younger. (Gee, how long ago that seems) Her characters Baba Wawa, Emily Litella (based on her childhood nanny) and Roseanne Rosannadanna always cracked me up. 

Gilda was told she was in remission and wrote a book about her life and struggle with cancer.  She called the book "It's Always Something".  She wrote the book for cancer suffers and she  used her humer to overcome the pain.  "It's Always Something" was from her days portraying her character Rosannne Rosannadanna.  "It's always something! If it's not one thing, it's something else!" I need to read this book.

Please read the entire article that I have paraphrased from below.  It has inspired me.  Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Lu dear, This quote from Gilda is true in so many ways for our current life.  One thing it lacks-- for those of us who know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and have personal relationship with Him-- we will some day have the perfect ending when we step into eternity!
loving you

Anonymous said...

I love Gilda. I read an incredible biography written by a SNL writer. I believe Bunny (her nickname) is in the title... I wish I could remember. It was such an excellent book. I feeel so sad for Gene always seemed that they were like soulmates. Loretta