Friday, October 15, 2004


One of my favorite books is called The Blessing.  It is written by Gary Smalley and John Trent, Ph.D.  It's a book that I read when I "need" to.  I have had this book for a very long time.  I have parted with many books.  But never this one. 

I have found this website (below) that somewhat explains the book. 

Thank you for allowing me to write this journal.  Thank you for reading my journal. 

 I have cut and pasted some of the website below as well:

The Blessing is an important study, by Drs. Gary Smalley and John Trent, of an easily overlooked but powerfully effective concept for families and professional counselors. In their years of counseling, they've successfully used the concepts outlined here to heal hundreds of broken hearts and families. The Blessing will even offer peace and healing to those men and women who no longer have any hope of receiving their parents' blessing.

It is a remarkably simple, logical process, one that touches both inner spirit and physical body, one that teaches in a step-by-step manner how to be a blessing and how to pass that life-changing blessing on to your parents, spouse, children, and friends.

There are five elements of the blessing: 1) meaningful touch, 2) the spoken word, 3) the expression of high value, 4) the description of a special future, and 5) the application of genuine commitment. And, in vivid, true-life examples, they describe the five most common home situations where a blessing has been denied. These could be the homes of people you know and love. One of them could even be yours.



Anonymous said...

Lu dear, this is one of my favorite books too!  And it's tragic that so many children do not receive this blessing as they are growing up.  As adults we are often still trying to get it-- from aging parents who didn't receive it themselves and still have no clue how to give it-- from spouses who didn't receive it themselves from their parents and therefore cannot give what they are still looking for themselves.

The only way to end that merry-go-round of hearts and hands held outward towards one another is to stop, realize that the ungiven blessing can be had from our Father in Heaven and receive it from Him every day.  Then we are able to both give and receive what our parents didn't know how or were unwilling to give.
loving you

Anonymous said...

Lu, thank you so much for sharing this. I have saved the site in my favorites, I want to spend some time with this one. (((((HUGS))))) Loretta