Thursday, August 12, 2004

My Boy

Oh By the way that's my handsome son in his Marine Corp. Jr ROTC Picture.  He graduated HS last June.  And, will be going to DeVry University in the Fall.  I am so proud! 

We had quite a storm last night.  Actually we had a series of storms.    So, I went to bed early.  I left my hubby playing Shadow Ops on XBox.  Which is okay because he needed to try to stay awake because he had to go get Gary, Jr. at work at 10:00 PM and it was storming outside.  I fell asleep early watching the storm through the big sliding windows in my bedroom.  It was an awesome site.  Thunder, lightening and wind.  The trees were swaying.  The rain was coming down hard.  It was beautiful  Remember a previous entry I made.......The heavens declare the glory of God..........??

Anyway, I woke up this morning and found that my son Gary and his friend Nick had taken over my kitchen, dining room and living room.  They are computer geeks.  They are proud to be called such.  Apparently, when hubby picked Gary up last night Nick came over.  Nick got some new parts for his computer and they have been working on his computer ever since.  (I woke up at 6 AM)  This has become a regular occurranc lately.  I don't mind at all.  Yes, they eat me out of house and home.  But, when other Moms are waiting up wondering where their sons are, I am sleeping in my bed knowing my son is safely in the dining room eating my food and working on computers.  And, he knows that within 5 years he will have a great career.  The kid has a dream and a goal.  He knows what he wants.  Who at 18 has that?  I couldn't be more proud of him!  Not only because of this but because of his sense of responsibility for the family.  He knows what is right and wrong.  People tell me that it is because of the way I brought him up.  I don't know.  But what ever it is, he turned out great.

I have 2 great kids.  A mom couldn't ask for more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your son and daughter are wonderful treasures.
You and your hubby planted the seeds, tended to your children's hearts and now they are blooming into the beautiful adults that you have dreamed them to be. Your son is a fine young man and I know he is going to have a bright future! :)