Saturday, August 7, 2004

Daily Meds or The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

I am getting ready to take my medications.  Well, the morning ones anyway.  All 11 of them this morning.  Well, I usually don't have 11 every morning.  But, since I have Bronchitis now I have 3 new ones.  I suspect that I will be staying on the inhaler for a while.  Right now on the meds I am getting ready to take and a little bit about them.  Now mind you these are in no order of importance.  Just however they pop into my mind.  Remember my mind is an abyss lately and I may have to run back and forth to the kitchen for spelling and stuff like that.  LOL  Okay here goes..... Oh... Oh there are the two seizure meds.....Topomax and Trileptal.  They are working just great.  NOT  My seizure activity comes and goes.  Mostly it comes when I am stressed or upset over something.  Lately its been more so when I get confused over things.  And that is a lot now.  Which brings us to the Namedia.  Its a med that is used to treat mild to severe Alzheimer's disease.  I'm being given this because I have Cerebral Vasculitis.  I have that because of the Antiphisiploid Syndrome.  Basically my brain is inflammed.  For which I also take CellCept.  Its an immuno suppressant.  A chemo drug.  A mild dose of it, yes.  But I still get a lot of the side effects of chemo meds.  Althugh not as severe as IV chemo.  I feel wiped out often.  My hair is thinning. Next I take Prednisone. (Only for a few days ~ thankfully!) Prednisone relieves inflammation (swelling, heat, redness, and pain) and is used to treat certain forms of arthritis; skin, blood, kidney, eye, thyroid, and intestinal disorders); severe allergies; and asthma. Prednisone is a good guy, yup.  It makes  you feel like you have a false sense of euphoria.  A false sense of energy.  But, its a bad guy too.  It makes you put on weight, makes you break out.  Okay you say.  Little stuff to put up with if its going to help me.  But long term use of Prednisone weakens the bones.  It causes Osteoporosis which is not a good thing.  There is a strong correlation between Prednisone use and the need for major joint replacement surgery.  Not for me, I think.  Prozac and Xanax...... Do I need to say more about why I need to takethese two medications.  There is only so much I can do to hold it together myself.  Zithromax, the antibiotic I'm currently on for this Bronchitis.  I'm usually on some kind of antibiotic either for a kidney infection or a bladder infection. Celebrex... I just take it twice a day to help relieve pain.  When the pain gets really bad I must bring in the big guns. (Darvon, Tylenol 4 with codene or Percocette... but first I always try the Celebrex 400 mg first I hate the narcotic head feeling thing and of course the Fiorional for when my head just won't stop aching and the Cerebral Vasculitis is causing things to swell in there).  And, last but not least I have Prevacid which helps my belly handle all these meds. It also help with the GI vasculitis that the Lupus has caused.  I must confess that I just put all the meds in the palm of my hand and throw them in the back of my mouth and wash them down with my coffee.  I also take 2 puffs of my Combivent. But, shush.. don't tell my doctors.  If I had to sit there and follow all the instructions I would be sitting at the kitchen table for hours and then it would be time for my night time meds.  Of which there are just about the same except we add the Coumadin.  Its a blood thinner.  I take it to make my blood thinner (hence the blood thinner name).  The antiphisiploid antibody in my blood just makes my blood throw clots.  At night I also take Folic Acid because I am at risk of heart disease again because of the antiphisiploid syndrome.  Also I take a cholesterol lowering medicine called Crestor because my bad cholesterol is very very high.  My good cholesterol is very very low.  My body just makes it.  With all these meds I am not counting my vitamins and the supplements my doctors have told me to take.  Such as the cranberry pills my urologist advised me to take or the Vitamin E pills or the DHEA pills my endocrinologist and GYN advised me to take.  Or the psyllium husks I add to my orange juice my gastro doctor advised me to take to clean out my colon to help my IBS. Again, I'm not complaining.... It's just a statement of facts. )Thank you Loretta, I just love those words.) This is what its like living with a chronic disease.  I'm proactive as far as my care is concerned.  I'm very fortunante that I have loved ones who recognize my symptoms and act quickly when things are not right and they help me do the daily stuff around here because I am just not capable of doing it anymore.  But, most of all I feel loved.  I don't feel like my illness is a burden or a curse.  First of all things could be a lot worse.  I am able to open my eyes every day and see the wonders around me.  Also, I can close my eyes at night and know I have lived a beautiful day.  

I remember Job and what he said to God after God spoke to him... Job said..... "I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.  You asked, 'Who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge? Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.  "You said, 'Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me. My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.  Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes."

Job was faced with tremendous turmoil.  He knew in his heart that God hadn't forsaken him but others were trying to convince him that God had.  I need to remember this.  My faith has always been strong.  Now I need to do as Job had done.  I need to not only have my ears hear of God but have my eyes see him as well.  There is too much going on in my life ..... way too much for me to be able to deal with alone.  And, as much as I enjoy speaking to my family and friends.  And, I will always continue to do so.  Because I love them so very dearly.  I need to get myself back to church.  Even if I sit quietly in the back.  I need to be like Job to see God with my own eyes.  And, that my friends is what's called BEING FAITHFUL. 

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.  Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. Psalm 19: 1-5
                           Thank you Karyl

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