Sunday, January 30, 2005


Saturday Six
    1. Who is the first celebrity you recall having a crush on?   Bobby Sherman
2. What was your favorite amusement park ride when you were young?  Small roller coaster at Buddy's

3. If you could change your name (first or middle but the name you go by), would you, and if so, what would you change it to?   I used to hate the name LuAnne.  I wanted to change it to anything other than LuAnne.  But now I wouldn't change it at all.

4. Go to and take the "First Name Analysis" test.  Do you agree with what the site comes up with? 

Although the name LuAnne creates idealism and the urge to help others, we emphasize that it limits your versatility and scope, tuning you to technical details. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the nervous system, and elimination system.

Your name of LuAnne creates a desire to be of service to others, but its practicality and attention to detail restrict spontaneity. This name creates much frustration, nervous tension, and personal unhappiness because you are not able to realize your ambitions and ideals. You desire your life to be orderly and systematized and you keep your surroundings neat and tidy, but others often see you as fussy over little things. You are a patient person and you will work hard one step at a time to accomplish your endeavours. You tend to be thorough in building a solid foundation of fact and logic, but are not inclined to pursue inspirational or creative expressionas in music or the arts.

I agree, oh I agree very much!!!

5. Other than Johnny Carson, which former talk show host's tape archives would you most like to visit, and why?  I have no clue.

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #44  from Jessie:   If you were in good health, would you donate a kidney to a friend who's dying regardless of what your family's opinion are and if yes or no, why or why not?

I definitely would.  But, I cannot answer this questions from the point of view of being in good health.  My answer has to be jaded.  I know what it means to be sick.  Not dying.  But, sick.  If I were in good health and able to stop someone's suffering and stop someone from dying I would do it without out thinking.  No matter what anyone else said.


Anonymous said...

i love the name Luanne:) sara

Anonymous said...