Wednesday, January 19, 2005


I'm still here.  I'm up.  I've yet to wash my face nor have I brushed my teeth.  I will.  In a few moments.  My head is kind of pounding this morning.  It's pretty cold here this morning.  I can't even think about going out today.  Besides I'm not driving now.  Who would wait on a corner to take a bus in this weather.  I don't have to do anything important anyway.  There are plenty of things I can attempt to do here.  Showering is a good thing to start with.  LOL

I have a good explanation I found about the difference between saddness and depression.  I copied it from this website......What is Depression?  I will be listing a few more below.  

 How Does Depression Differ From Occasional Sadness?

Everyone feels sad or "blue" on occasion. It is also perfectly normal to grieve over upsetting life experiences, such as a major illness, a death in the family, a loss of a job, or a divorce. But, for most people, these feelings of grief and sadness tend to lessen with the passing of time.

However, if a person's feelings of sadness last for 2 weeks or longer, and if they interfere with daily life activities, something more serious than "feeling blue" may be going on.

Depressed individuals tend to feel helpless and hopeless and to blame themselves for having these feelings. People who are depressed may become overwhelmed and exhausted and may stop participating in their routine activities. They may withdraw from family and friends. Some may even have thoughts of death or suicide.

Here are a few more:  Understanding Depression: Psychological Self-Help

Depression and How Psychotherapy and Other Treatments Can Help People Recover


It's not a choice for a person to be depressed.  It's just something that just happens.  If it could be avoided, there would be no need for medications and doctors.  Now would there?  If people could protect themselves to a certain extend.  Or shield themselves from  traumas in their lives then they would be living in a bubble or living alone.   Who knows?  I surely don't.  I don't think either is the answer.  I don't think it has anything to do with our ability to fight things off.  Things happen.  Things just happen.


Anonymous said...

Yes, you are here and still doing your best. Good Morning. I pray that today will become a little easier for you, that you stumble across a shiny moment that makes you happy. Hugs, and may God bless you always. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

Hi Luanne:

This disease called depression runs rampant in my family. By the Grace Of God I have been spared but watch as it takes it toll on the ones that I love. I can only hope one day we will better understand it and there will be more help for my family and friends who suffer from it.

Kara :)