I'm really very sick. I have bronchitis plus all the other nifty stuff that goes along with my flares. Been trying to even muster enough energy to get in the shower. My coumadin levels are unstable again. The doctors think that this is what happens when I start to flare. Because when I do I take more pain meds and go on antibiotics. These meds play havoc with the coumadin in my body. We have decided that it's time for me to see a specialist in the city. I am dragging my heels on this because I am worried as to how I am going to get back and forth to my appointments. Now when I need to see the doctor I just call and he sees me right away. A doctor in the city will do the same I am sure but it won't be so easy for me to get there at the drop of a hat. My primary care doc said just see the specialist and use him as a second opinion sort of thing. It's worth thinking about. I am just feeling so horrible.
Give the new doctor a chance, it will all work out. Sending hugs!!! Linda
Lu, perhaps a specialist just might be worth it, honey. Second opinions are always good. If it doesn't do anything for you then you haven't lost anything and you just don't have to go back. Perhaps he will think of something your doctor hasn't. Hey, this is in black lettering and your background is black, so it is impossible to read in your journal, did you know that? You may want to change your background, love. Prayers and gentle hugs to you, my dear friend!! xox http://journals.aol.com/valphish/ValsThoughts
I'm so sorry you're so sick honey! I imagine you ARE about done with all this garbage! And I can understand dragging your heels on seeing another doc, so many of them disappoint us with their attitudes that it makes it hard to want to try again. But, as always, this COULD BE THE ONE who can treat your illness better. I sure can't tell you what to do on it, as I tend to do the same thing, but please don't give up.
You're in my thoughts and prayers always dear! Missy
Dear Lu, sorry u r not feeling well, I understand…. Wish I could help. When you say city --do u mean NYC? I did it, & the best thing I could have ever done. To the point, getting into the city verses close to home is sometimes very inconvenient, esp. when we are so ill. But I finally have a Rhuemy who is a Master in his field esp. on SLE etc, he is dedicated & it is his life, his knowledge, understanding & compassion makes the package just that bit more easy to deal with my situation. How I make it work for me is, having my MD. & City Dr. work together. All concerns go thru both drs. I have appts in the city every 3 months. I try my best to keep them, its hard & frustrating at times when I can’t drive like now. But I use my MD and then all 3 of us decide together what step to take next, don’t misunderstand I do call my dr in the city at any time for advice or questions, concerns. The secret, I found to be is having the two drs working together & able to talk to each other, which takes some of the stress off of me. Give it a try. God will take u r hand & walk with you. Be well. Deb PS I read your other post re: pain & pain management. I live in constant pain, joint, muscle etc. If u would be so kind, keep us updated on your outcomes. Thanks I feel your pain.
This is just a story about me and my life here in SC. I'm a wife and mother of two young adults in their 20's. I am happy dispite living with many chronic, sometimes painful and life threatening diseases.
Give the new doctor a chance, it will all work out.
Sending hugs!!!
Good luck with the new doctor! I think you should give it a chance.
Love ya,
Lu, perhaps a specialist just might be worth it, honey. Second opinions are always good. If it doesn't do anything for you then you haven't lost anything and you just don't have to go back. Perhaps he will think of something your doctor hasn't. Hey, this is in black lettering and your background is black, so it is impossible to read in your journal, did you know that? You may want to change your background, love. Prayers and gentle hugs to you, my dear friend!! xox
I think the specialist is a good idea! Hope u feel better!!
I'm so sorry you're so sick honey! I imagine you ARE about done with all this garbage! And I can understand dragging your heels on seeing another doc, so many of them disappoint us with their attitudes that it makes it hard to want to try again. But, as always, this COULD BE THE ONE who can treat your illness better. I sure can't tell you what to do on it, as I tend to do the same thing, but please don't give up.
You're in my thoughts and prayers always dear!
Dear Lu, sorry u r not feeling well, I understand…. Wish I could help. When you say city --do u mean NYC? I did it, & the best thing I could have ever done. To the point, getting into the city verses close to home is sometimes very inconvenient, esp. when we are so ill. But I finally have a Rhuemy who is a Master in his field esp. on SLE etc, he is dedicated & it is his life, his knowledge, understanding & compassion makes the package just that bit more easy to deal with my situation. How I make it work for me is, having my MD. & City Dr. work together. All concerns go thru both drs. I have appts in the city every 3 months. I try my best to keep them, its hard & frustrating at times when I can’t drive like now. But I use my MD and then all 3 of us decide together what step to take next, don’t misunderstand I do call my dr in the city at any time for advice or questions, concerns. The secret, I found to be is having the two drs working together & able to talk to each other, which takes some of the stress off of me. Give it a try. God will take u r hand & walk with you. Be well. Deb PS I read your other post re: pain & pain management. I live in constant pain, joint, muscle etc. If u would be so kind, keep us updated on your outcomes. Thanks I feel your pain.
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