Wednesday, May 11, 2005


As if I didn't have enough pain tonight now I am experiencing another bout of costochondritis.  Does this ever end?

What is costochondritis?

Costochondritis is an inflammation of the cartilage that connects the inner end of each rib with the breastbone (sternum). It can occur in any age group and is most common in young adults. Exactly how common it is in the UK is not known but in the US costochondritis has been shown to account for 10 per cent of chest pain episodes in the community and 30 per cent of people with chest pain presenting as an emergency to hospital.
Costochondritis (Tietze's syndrome)

I feel this pain getting worse.  No ER this time.  I'm going to try to deal with it.  Please send some prayers my way.  It's going to be a long night.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, you're right, does it ever end?  You are worse than I am!  I have had costochondritis for almost 30 years off and on.  Listen to this, one doc told me to use the heating pad and take NSAID's and it would go away.  I actually think he meant it would go away forever?  Yeah, right!  I have long since passed the effect of NSAID'S.  They are like pouring water over a duck.I am a nurse, but I didn't realize my spondylo was from my immune condition (Fibromyalgia/lupus)  ty for the info.  I also have spinal stenosis.  The worst symptom now is burning and pain on the bottom of my feet and my toes.  Strange place for pain, huh?  Well, actually, anything described as "strange" is usually associated with us immune-suppressed/chronic pain people!  I sure hope you get a good pain doc.  I am praying for you all the time.  I love that you express yourself in a way that all of us can relate to.  TY for being you!  Love ya.

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart, dear Lu.  I am praying for relief for your pain -- and more.
loving you

Anonymous said...

Oh my, so sorry, Lu, I just read up on costochondritis.  It says stronger pain killers don't really help.  Gee whiz.  Is this a symptom of Lupus or just something that one can have?  I didn't see autoimmune disease or lupus in the reading.  Hmm.. Well, you take good care of yourself and know that we are all here for you and praying very, very hard for you!  You are loved, honey :-)! xox

Anonymous said...

Prayers being said, Lu.
Chest pain is scary.
I have the chostochondriasis too and for the first year of it I kept calling my doctor because the pain frightened me.
He finally explained to me how to know that the chest pain was not a heart attack.
He said that if I got clammy, sweaty or if the pain felt crushing or if there was a fast dramatic change... then that was the time to call the ER.
Sweety, have you talked to your rheumy about a pain specialist yet?
A quick thank you too for the recent mail.
I am so overloaded with E. and the ER run that I am woefully behind in correspondence.
Lu you are such an angel.
I hope the pain is alleviated soon.