Sunday, July 10, 2005

Weekend Assignment #67: Bad Movie Marathon!

Weekend Assignment #67: Bad Movie Marathon!

Weekend Assignment #67: Bad Movie Marathon! Share your favorite bad film of all time. Tell us why you love it so.

Mine is Pretty Woman........ Starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere. It's a love story.  Sort of like a fairy tale, like Cinderella.  I found this forum and it's amazing how serious people are.....Movie Cat's Pad @ #3561.1  It was just an entertaining movie as far as I am concerned.

Extra Credit........After Vivian bought all new clothing and didn't look like a hooker anymore she went back to the store where the women wouldn't help her and she said.

I was in here yesterday, you wouldn't wait on me. The woman in the store says something like Oh. But Vivian looks at her and says........You people work on commission right? The store woman says, Yeah and Vivian goes on to say......Big mistake. Big. Huge. I have to go shopping now!

I just love that line

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, do I.  I have a friend who's brother did that on purpose.  He walked into a car dealership dressed like a hobo.  He went through 5 salesmen in a Mercedes showroom before he inisted on seeing a manager.  Noone would sell him a car.  He told the manager which car he wanted and the manager looked at him funny.  The manager decided to go with the idea of aelling a car to him.  When asked how he was going to pay for the vehicle,  he said CASH!  I pulled out a money belt with the cash to pay the car in full.  The 5 other salesmen lost out on that commission due to the fact that they would not serve him because of the way he looked.  APPEARANCES ARE OFTEN DECEIVING AND YOU NEVER KNOW WHO YOU ARE TALKING TO.