First off, I have to give Dawn a great big cyber hug.
Since I have know her, Dawn has always been a big inspiration in my life. There are times when I wake up in the morning and actually think I wish I could have an attitude like Dawn does. She always puts things into perspective. I'm trying Dawn.
Now, I am still feeling like crap. Can't seem to shake this URT infection. It's getting worse I think. I get very short of breath. I should call my doctor, I know, but I just don't feel like it. I have a follow up appt. on Thursday. Maybe I will be better by then. I'm still on antibiotics. Which has given me the start of a yeast infection. Yikes.
I am hurting. Mostly my right leg. From hip to toe. The duragesic patch doesn't even touch that pain. Or, maybe it might be that much worse without the patch. Who knows? I'm forced to take the breakthrough pain meds my rheumi prescribed. I have an appointment with my pain management doc on Thursday. Maybe he can suggest something.
Hubby will be taking a test on Saturday afternoon. For those of you who remember, he started a new job a little over a year ago. Working for the City. He has to take a test to go from provisional to permanent. I believe that he will ace this test. He is not so confident. Please say a prayer for him. I don't know why hedoesn't feel confident. The man is an electrical genius.
I have a oven stuffer cooking. I didn't stuff it. Just seasoned it and threw it into a Reynolds Oven Bag. We are going to have that for dinner with some yummy mashed potatoes and corn. And, some broccoli au grattin (sp? can't for the life of me remember how to spell this) for me and Lauren. It's a cold day and I love cooking in the oven. It just reminds me of love and family. I have been using my slow cooker a lot lately. It's really great. Mom picked up some slow cooker cookbooks for me. I bought some too. It's really easy because I can prepare everything and just set it and forget it. Eight hours later we have an entire meal. I got those crock pot liners so clean up is a snap. Also, my mother in law gave me a counter top convection oven. This works great because I can cook an entire roast beef in half the time it takes in the regular oven. I've made dozens of meals with this too. Cooking when you have a chronic debilitating illness is a challenge. When I am feeling crappie these things come in handy. I'd appreciate any recipes from you guys. I'm always up to try new things.
Well, I'm going back to lay down on the couch. I have to get up every so often because of my leg pain. It's time to go rest again.