Friday, January 27, 2006

Weight and fatigue


This is going to be a different type of entry. Why, you ask?  Well, I am tired of not having any energy. I am tired of the limitations I have placed on myself.  I may have Lupus and as we all with chronic illnesses know, it has a way of dragging us down.

I have blamed my weight gain on my meds.  Let's face it, I can control that if I want.  It just takes dedication and fortitude.  I have nothing to lose but weight and energy to gain.

So I have decided to do something about it.  Today, I joined one of those circuit work outs.  I had my first workout this morning.  And, as disappointing as it was I am going back tomorrow morning.  Maybe tomorrow I will be able to a little more.  And, a little more the day after that.

One day at a time.  That's all I am going to think about. 


Anonymous said...

That loud noise you can hear all the way from Kansas is me applauding you, dear!  Congrats on taking this positive action for yourself!  (((((((Lu))))))))
loving you

Anonymous said...

HEY HOW AWESOME!!!! I know its got ot be rough to get it started..I know the feeling to an extent..but it sounds liek you are dedicated and Im so proud of you!! Cant wait til you start feeling the results!!

Anonymous said...

If anyone can do it,  it would be you. Praying for you to have strength!  TerryAnn.

Anonymous said...

Yay Luanne!   I am sooooooo proud of you!  That is awesome!  Keep it up...

Be well,

Anonymous said...

Luanne - good for you, know Lupus isn't an easy thing yto live with, but comres the time like in all our lives, where you have to decide if you are going to let it overcome you and keep you from enjoying your family and  life.  Glad to see you see that you can make a difference in how you feel.  Maybe you'll not feel 100 percent improved, but even 25 percent improvement is a great improvement.  Keep up the positive attitude, you can do it.  Each of us have somethng in our lives that we have to deal with, for myself, I go on the motto that "No one or nothing will ever get me down", works for me.....if it helps youm then you are free to borrow my personal motto....AJ

Anonymous said...

it's hard and you have lupus.  I give you lots of credit.  Just like you said take it one day at a time and do what you can.

Anonymous said...

Lu, I am soooooooooo proud of you :D!!!!!  Yay!!!!  I, too, want to exercise more and lose some weight as well.  I recommend the book "Thin Within" if you want to lose weight in a natural way.  It is Biblically-based and very joyful!!  Go buy it and try it!  It is very empowering!  I just started reading it and I am learning so much about myself and am learning to love my body.  So, Lu, if you have a bad day or two or even a week or more try to forgive yourself and get back on the horse.  Your illnesses are bound to whop you now and again, honey!  You can do it!!!!!!  Yay, Lu!!!!!  Love, Val xox

Anonymous said...

Atta Girl Luanne!  That's what you have to do!  I'm so proud of you! I have chronic problems too, so I know it's not easy.  Our attitude makes such a difference in the outcome!  So hang in there when it gets rough!

Look in my About Me section and see what I do about it. I've found all natural products that really help me a lot on a day to day basis. Check out AgelessXtra and Regenicare.

Wishing you the Best!  Hugs!
