Friday, August 26, 2005

Wants and Desires...Weekend Assignment #74

Weekend Assignment #74: Forget about the things you need -- Tell us about something you want. Thanks Dawn.  I always get the Weekend Assignment from you.  DAWN'S JOURNAL

What I want...hmmm, a totally frivolous desire???

Hum???  This is a hard one.  Something I desire that is totally frivolous.

I'm thinking of a week long spa retreat.  Where I am pampered from top to bottom.  Massages every day.  Reflexology on my feet.  Pressure point massages on my face.  Facials.  Lazy swimming.  Being pampered.

Meals prepared for me consisting of champagne as a beverage.  Eating lobster tails and muscles.  Not having to worry about anything nutritional.  Eating chocolates and puddings. 

Oh that sounds nice, plus I would bring along my friends.  What fun that would be.  How relaxing!!  Especially for my Lupie pals.  I would have them picked up by limo.  It would be a week in heaven.


Anonymous said...

Oooh...that is a really good one, Lu!!!!  I love it!!  If either of us hits the lottery, we get the limo and start calling lupies out!!!


Be well,

Anonymous said...

Oh, can I come?  I would like the reflexology (regular massage hurts my fibro), but I love a good foot massage.  It puts me to sleep, lol.  And I will take crab instead of lobster!  And chocolates and bon bons and fudge pudding.  It won't be good for me, but this is pretend, right, lol!
