Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I am so weak and tired.  Been having horrible pain in my right leg from toe to hip.  My mouth is full of sores and I have a fever blister on my bottom lip.  And, of course, my face looks as if I spent the day laying out in the sun..Oh, yup, little Lupus sores are appearing on my face.

Ah Ha just another day in the life of a Lupie.

People call and ask how I am and I say "FINE."

Would you say different?

Only Gary knows the truth. He is here.  He sees..  He hears my sobbing.

I'm living on percottes.  What else can I do?  That med only takes the edge off.  It doesn't even touch the head pain.  I do think that I need something stronger.

I'm not a happy women these days.  Tomorrow, I suspect, will be more of the same,


Anonymous said...

Prayers for you my friend.  I will shower you with prayers.  I am soooo sorry you are not feeling well and you could not be more right about the percottes.  Too bad for me they make me more edgey.  Take it easy friend and get better soon.  Hugs, TerryAnn.

Anonymous said...

(((((((((Lu dear)))))))))))  I'm so sorry you are flaring.  I'd been meaning to write to you and ask about the circuit training and how that is goind.  But it sounds like training is likely suspended for now.
Praying for you dear.
loving you

Anonymous said...

{{{{ Lu }}}} Guess what??  I have 2 ugly sores in my mouth that just won't leave.... more of us to share in our party!  

Love you...

Be well,

praying for you to get some relief...

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry and hope you feel better, I really do.  

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you are flaring.  If it helps or makes you feel any better I keep mouth sores even when I am not flaring.  I great the toilet bowl in the mornings and I am a moonface fat thing now.  Its defininetly not sexy.  However, what I can tell you is that I love your poetry.  I even love your family and I don't even know them.  It gives me hope for my family.  It lets me know that things are not as bad as I make them out to be.  I have to say Thank you so very much for being you.  It makes it much easier for me to be me.