Monday, November 14, 2005


Good evening  readers. I have been lax regarding my journal lately.   Things here have been rough for me health wise. 

To explain what is going on would take a while.  Plus my hands are killing me so I wouldn't be able to do it anyway.

Let's just say that I feel like crap and leave it at that.

I had wanted my journal to be a documentation of my life living with lupus.  But, as any diehard lupie knows sometimes things just don't work out as we plan.

I ask that you keep me in your prayers and send gentle hugs my way.



Anonymous said...

"I ask that you keep me in your prayers and send gentle hugs my way." Lu says.

You have both from me along with my deep affection, dear!
loving you

Anonymous said...

but just the fact that the entries are random is proof of your challenge....

Anonymous said...

Hey Luanne

long time no write on my part......its Jenn from Long Island....miss ya ..but you understand things have been overwhelming ,,,the pain is one thing its the fatigue that is getting me down .....

email me so we can catch up

sorry have not been around ...looks like things have been really bad for u.....
but your humor does shine thru some of you entries Hang on Luanne


Anonymous said...

Of course... and here are your gentle hugs { { {LuAnne} } }
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

{{{GENTLE LuanneHUG}}} I wil keep you in my thoughts. Margo

Anonymous said...

know just how you feel, if that helps at all?  i have visited with you  before,  what can i say, how could i possiblie comfort you, i send you tender, sheltering hugs!!!