Saturday, April 30, 2005


The lonely one offers his hand too quickly to whomever he encounters.
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900) German philosopher, poet

Lonely  ~~  being without company ~~ cut off from others : SOLITARY

I'm lonely.  I've realized this for some time now.  Oh I have loads of loved ones who care about me.  But I am still very lonely.  It's amazing how you can be in a room filled with people and still be lonely.

We have a real need to be connected to other people. We have a real need to love and be loved, to value and to be valued. When there is not enough of that sort of connection in our lives, we feel lonely.

We were designed to have an interest and concern for others. But we can't just force ourselves to change. Other people may tell us exactly what we need to do, but it isn't that simple.

To read more check out the following website.....

Loneliness raises levels of circulating stress hormones and levels of blood pressure. It undermines regulation of the circulatory system so that the heart muscle works harder and the blood vessels are subject to damage by blood flow turbulence.

Loneliness destroys the quality and efficiency of sleep, so that it is less restorative, both physically and psychologically. They wake up more at night and spend less time in bed actually sleeping than do the nonlonely.

To read more check out the following website.....

I'm trying to understand how to overcome this feeing.  I suspect that there are many reasons that I am feeling like this.  Circumstances in my life.  How I view those circumstances.  Things such as that.  It's not a feeling that is easily put away.  I nurture those I love and care about. I am a talker by nature.  I just don't have it in me to do that lately.  I remember being outgoing and vivacious.  Trusting and secure with my relationships.  I have become a solitary individual.  I can't even open up anymore.  It's baffling when you don't grasp the circumstances.  When you cannot comprehend your transgression.  It's amazng how lonely you can make yourself when you don't trust.  Please pray for me.  Pray that the Lord sends me his strength to remove this saddness from my heart.


Anonymous said...

Today I completely understand how you are feeling... Linda
"The language of friendship is not words...but meaning"

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers, love.  I think I get loneliest when I feel no one one understands what I am going through.  That I can not convey my life situations and emotions to another person.  That I feel alone.  Even when I am not.  I, too, used to be vivacious and very out-going and have become a loner now.  I am very selective with friends.  Loneliness comes and goes with me.  One thing that does help me sometimes is to realize that Jesus knows EVERYTHING about me.  Talk to Him.  Find a quiet spot.  No one understands everything except Him.  If you need someone to talk to I am always here, honey!  Hope you are feeling better really soon.  (((Lu)))

Anonymous said...

I understand what you are saying.
Lonely comes from within.

I'm sorry that you are in such a lonely place.
Sometimes, you just have to sit in it for a while and that is OK.
Just don't allow yourself to stay there too long.
The inside lonely will only be smoothed when you reach out.

Tell your physician and your family where you find yourself.

You have so much to deal with daily and I think that you do a wonderful job. Dealing with daily pain can drain a soul.
Keeping you in my prayers.
Mary Louise

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart dear Lu, I am sorry you are feeling so emotionally and spiritually isolated.  I know it's a hard and painful spot to be in -- been there too many times myself not to feel compassion for you, dear.  There are no easy answers for this, I know.  
But for me --- revisiting and strengthening my connection with the Lord always is the first step and biggest help.
When I am feeling extremely isolated, lonely and disconnected from my fellow humans, I can be sure my connection with Him has somehow been weakened.
I am praying for and
loving you

Anonymous said...

Hi Lu,
It can be very lonely when you are going through some things that some of the people in your life may never fully comprehend.
Lupus does that to each of us at times.
I remember when we met online just how outgoing you could be.
You were on the Message Board every morning with a happy saying or some little message to cheer all of us along.
That person is still inside of you, Lu.
Sometimes when we feel this bad... the best thing to do is to try to continue cheering others. For example... even thought you are feeling bad today... you provided people with a chance to understand better. You are reaching out to others who feel lonely and you are also reaching out to loved ones who may be trying to understand health challenges better.
Somehow that helps us find the strength we need to keep on keeping on.
I am not talking about pretending to be feeling something you are not... but, even when you are hurting... there are people to connect with.
Regarding transgressions... it sounds like you feel you have done something wrong?
If that is so... you have NEVER done anything wrong to me.
Actually I was really touched by your last note you sent about the upset I am going through with E. right now.
I wish I could have you come over for a cup of coffee and some cookies.
Loneliness is a tough teacher.
With Love,

Anonymous said...

I know this feeling all too well, Lu, and I don't know how to fix it. ((((((((((((((((Lu)))))))))))))) You know I'm here if you need me.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

honey, you're in my thoughts, heart, and prayers dear!!!
sorry i've been gone so much, with the move and all, I hope we can get together later and chat!

love ya!!!!


Anonymous said...

HI Lu,
   Im lonely too.  I know how it feels.  If you ever want to be lonely together, just IM me or write, even if you just want to talk about being alone.  
I love ya,