Life is what it is. Sometimes you can go to the left or to the right. I believe that it must be taken head on and we need to go straight ahead. Life may not necessary be the life I wanted. It is what has been intended for me. But whatever it is, my life has been predisposed. It is what it is.
My life is not what I had expected it to be at this age. I had never in my wildest expectations thought that I would be chronically ill at almost 52. Having a disease that there is no cure for and the treatment for is imaginative at its best. But I go on, or at least I try to go on. It is what it is.
Don't get me wrong, I still get depressed over this. But those spells are far and in between. They usually occur when I am in a particularly horrible Lupus flare. Otherwise I wrangle through my days. Taking solace that at this point what the universe has thrown at me is not yet life threatening. Painful yes. Brain draining, definitely. Confusing and disturbing, most assuredly. It is what it is.
Because I do live with this eventuality deep down in my psyche I am suspicious and at times I am waiting for the next shoe to drop. But it does not define me. It is what it is.
I maneuver through this life with a sense of tenacity. Recognizing my inability to veto any of this. It is what it is.
Overall, I am a exultant woman and attempt to navigate easily through my life. I may not always succeed, but I do try.
Therefore, even though my life is not what I had planned it to be .... I am accepting of what it is. Again.... It is what it is.
And, as a very dear friend once wrote..... I am not complaining ......... just making a statement of facts.
Every other aspect of my journey through this thing we call life is wonderful.
Absolutely! We take things one day at a time. The disease cannot define who we are, or who we become, we have this disease because we are strong enough to handle it. Whatever challenges life will throw at you, you must always remember that.
I too understand your thoughts on "when the next shoe will drop". It never seems to be the same thing, but always something more complicated to add to our equation, more medications with side effects.
I commend you for coming forth about the disease, your blog has opened me up to a world of stability in that I can talk about this disease with others, that it is ok, and most importantly that we can give others hope!
Linda Wyatt said You have said it so well for so many of us who suffer with this disease. It is good to hear from other who understand what we with Lupus deal with on a daily basis. I thank you for sharing.
Like you attitude dear, you can't change what is, but can keep moving forward in a positive manner and looking forward to each new day and finding something positive to enjoy.
"It is what it is."
I love that, Lu.
This is just what I needed to read today.
Love you much!
Hi there ...
I am hoping you can help me rally all the "lupus troops."
March 3, 2009 is the Lupus Foundation of America’s 11th Annual Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill. Even if you cannot physically join us on Tuesday, there are still several things you – and your family and friends – can do to help raise awareness about the seriousness of lupus.
To learn all the easy things you can do from the comfort of your home, please go to http://lfa-inc.blogspot.com/2009/02/even-if-you-cannot-be-in-dc-for-lfas.html
To take it a step further, if you're willing to do so, I'd really appreciate it you would consider posting this information (what you find at the link to my blog) on your blog, and letting all your friends and family know how important this is to the lupus community.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at davis@lupus.org.
Thanks for your help.
All the best, Wick
You have a good attitude, LuAnne. You're not complaining at all -- you're being matter of fact. In a way, being matter of fact is positive in the sense that it's accepting of the whole thing. Not that it's easy by any sense of the word. And yes, it's easy for me to say, I'm not living it as you are. But I've watched john go through a lot that you've gone through. He is in remission, however, and has a good chance, but he is dealing we one third kidney function and other problems, so it gets hard at times. I'm not saying as hard as your situation, however. But sometimes he does wonder when the next shoe will fall -- so we do know how you feel a little bit. He's here reading this with me now.
I am thinking while reading this that that you have what I consider a very Christlike attitude, actually. I remember when things were rougher for John and I, and a lot of Christians stated we didn't have enough faith or he wouldn't be sick. That's nonsense! The Lord could change John's situation if He wanted to (and has to a degree). The point is this -- whatever the Lord's will is, for whatever reason -- well that's just His will. We don't always understand it, and sometimes won't until we get to Heaven, but we should accept it. If He chooses to make your health situation better He will, and if He chooses not to He won't.
Meanwhile, you seem to have a good grasp on this, a very good understanding, and this shows your attitude is good -- and is why your attitude is good. You can rest in His peace! Again, not saying it is easy. Sometimes serving the Lord is very difficult. It just is what it is! But His yoke is easy and His burden is light, amidst everything. It's so good that you know that.
I love you my dear LuAnne,
krissy knox :)
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