Sunday, February 22, 2009

Please check out the following blog........ It will break your heart.

1 comment:

krissy knox said...

I read the blog. Yes, heartbreaking. And yet, in some way, Susan's attitude was admirable for someone with such an illness.

So sorry, LuAnne, that I haven't been by your blog in so long. This is no excuse, but my life has been crazy. For six months. I don't even tell it all in my post, but you can read about it in my blog under the post: John's Battle with Zoster. I'm not saying we have it as bad as this woman. I'm just saying it gets hard sometimes, and times get crazy. I only blog once a month now but am trying to improve.

So how are you ? I haven't even had time to read. I'll try to catch up soon. If you haven't had a chance, please put your blog in from jland to blogger -- our directory of former AOLers. That way we can all keep track of each other.

Love you,

krissy knox :)
visit my main blog: Sometimes I Think
Hey! Former AOL Journalers -- please add your blogs to our directory of blogs: from jland to blogger
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