Monday, March 26, 2007

What's in a name?

I found this meme/game in Dawn's Journal.

Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following... They MUST be real places, names, things... 

NOTHING made up!  If you can't think of anything, skip it.

You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Your Name:  LuAnne

Famous Music artist/group:  Led Zeppelin

3 letter word:  Lip (good for kissing)

Color:  Lavender

Gift/present:  Lladro

Vehicle: Dawn said, DeLorean.  I actually met him while working at a PR firm in the very early 80's.  Actually while he was dating Christina Ferrera he sent me roses.  My "L" is Litecraft, which is an RV

TV Show:   Loretta Young Theater (I was about four or five and after my Mom put my sister in for a nap (she was a baby and Mom was pregnant with my brother) we would lay on the couch.  She would lay on her side and I would cuddle up and rest my head on her legs.  I remember sometimes her legs were stubbly, LOL.  It is one of the best memories I have.

Country:    Luxembourg, it's surrounded by Germany, France and Belgium.

Boy's Name:   Louis (my paternal grandpa's name) I loved him dearly

Girl's Name:   Lauren, of course.  My precious daughter

Alcoholic drink:  Lucasta Martini (a yummy blend of vanilla liquors)

Occupation: librarian (actually forensic librarian)

Flower:   Lilac

Celebrity:    Liam Niesen

Food:       Lollipop

Something found in a kitchen:   Linens

Reason for Being Late:  Lupus

Something You Shout:   Lupus (actually an "F" word goes before Lupus)

Try this, it's fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL  I like the f-n Lupus one!!!  LOL

No alerts today... so I started checking around!!  This was a fun one!

be well,