Good Morning My Friends. 
I am feeling happy this morning even though I am in pain. I have a sharp pain in my lower left groin area. I'm thinking it's my diverticulitis acting up. Who knows?

Gary was home from work this weekend. It's not all that often that he has two full days off. We hung around the house and relaxed. We were going to go to Applebee's for dinner on Saturday evening, but I ended up sleeping most of the day. I woke up at around 4 and thought that I would just get into the shower and off we would go. Nope. I could not get myself together. I was just too drained to go out. So, Gary made us some hot dogs, fries and beans. And, we ate that. It was just delicious. I love hot dogs.

Have I mentioned lately about how wonderful my husband is? I am a very lucky woman.
Gary takes such good care of me. Actually he takes good care of all of us. He always picks up the slack around here. I am very proud of him and love him so much. And, for the last four years there has been a lot of slack due to my illnesses. Sometimes we get caught up in the drama of our illness that we fail to see the wonder around us. I am trying not to forget the great things in my life. My husband and two great children.

I am so proud of my children too. They are almost grown ups. Well, my son is 21 and my daughter is 19. Is that considered a grown up these days? They are very responsible young adults. I rag on them, but if the truth be told, I love to brag about them. I should tell them more often. It's not often that children these days are so in tune with the important things in life. My children are. They are respectful and loving. We all have our days, but I couldn't ask for a better family.

You know the phrase, "She is my right arm!" Well, my daughter is so much more than that. She is my body. There is no way in the world that I could get along without her. I really think that I put too much burden on her. I ask her to do virtually everything for me. And, she does it. Sometimes grudgingly, most of the time lovingly. I don't give her nearly enough credit for all that she does.

Plus she works and is going to college. She is my salvation when I am unable to do things. Which is most of the time. Thank you my dear daughter. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! I don't say that nearly enough.

My son gave me my Valentine's Day gift early this year. It is a gift certificate to a spa. I can choose from a list of services. Of course the first thing I am going to get is a full body massage. Maybe a foot scrub or hand and feet paraffin treatments. Or even a scalp massage/treatment. I could use some facial waxing (the prednisione makes a face pretty stubby). I'm so looking forward to this. I'll be calling later on today to schedule an appointment. As soon as I decide exactly what I want, that is.

Hubby took his test on the 3rd. He said it was easier than he thought it would be. Less technical. He is pretty confident that he did well. I had no doubt. If anyone knows electrical, it's my Gary. After the test, they allowed them to write down their answers and gave them a web site to check the answer key for this test. They said to give it about 5 weeks. You know I check daily. LOL

Yesterday morning I put a turkey in the oven. If you remember, this past Thanksgiving I ordered the entire dinner from Stop and Shop and it was delicious. But, as many of the supermarkets do, for every so much you spend you get a choice of a turkey, turkey breast, ham or veggie lasagna. So, I had a free turkey in the freezer downstairs. I put it in one of those oven bags and cooked it yesterday. I didn't make all the trimmings we just picked at it all day. After I took all the meat off the bones, I put them in a pot and simmered them for a few hours. Wednesday I am going to make soup. We are expecting a big winter storm. It will be a good day for some soup. I make mine similar to the Italian Wedding Soup. Aside from the usual soup veggies I put in tiny little meatballs. I mean tiny, like the size of a marble. I'm not sure if I am going to put rice, orzo or just some elbows in it. I am looking forward to it.

Those of you who know Loretta from need to go check out . Loretta has designed some stuff like tee shirts, hats, mouse pads. I have my order already in the shopping cart ready for me to pay for. Our Loretta is a very talented artist. We already know how gifted she is at writing, now we see another side of Loretta. Loretta has been my online friend for just about four years now. This wonderful woman has, many times, been a rock and sounding board for me. She always hasvery insightful advice. And, she is very adept at just listening. Loretta is the epitome of the meaning of a friend. She knows just the right thing to say. She is sympathetic and understanding. Loretta doesn't only coddle. She has, lovingly pointed out if I am wrong. It's a rare individual who can combine all these things. Loretta is a very special woman. And, if you haven't read her blogs you are missing out on a lot. I enjoy our chats. I only wish we were closer in location so that once in a while we could chat over a cup of coffee. Loretta and I pretty much got sick at the same time. I met her on AOL's Lupus General Discussion Board. We grew into our Lupus and it's complications together. Both of us are basically homebound. I don't know how she manages. Her Little Bear is young. It's so hard being ill and having to care for a young child. Loretta and her family are always in my prayers. I am thankful for a friend like her.

Boy has this been a long entry. I have more to write but will save it for another time. For those of you who made it all the way to the end of this entry. Thank you. I just needed to write this morning.
Have a wonderful day gentle readers.
Oh one more very important thing. Please keep Krissy and John in your prayers. John has an appointment with the spleen surgeon on Wednesday. Check out Krissy's entry today, it's been quite a week for them.