Sunday, October 8, 2006

Good morning my friends.  I hope this entry finds you all feeling well.

I'm muddling through my life lately.  Most of the time not knowing which way is up or which way is down.

Lupus has been playing havoc with my body.  Mostly my brain.  I was in the hospital last week for a few days because I have been experiencing dizzy spells.

This hospitalization started out pretty funny because I got sick when I was right outside of the hospital on my way to visit the pain management doctor.  I had parked my car in the lot and attempted to walk up the hill to the hospital.  I couldn't make it and started to become dizzy.  I managed to get to about 100 feet from the door when I lost my breath and started to feel faint.  I sat down thinking that I could rest a bit and then go on.  I couldn't.  I called 911.  This is the funny part.

911 Operator:  What is your emergency?

Me:  I need help.

911:  What is wrong?

Me:  I am very dizzy and cannot breathe (I was gasping)

911:  Where are you?

Me:  About 100 feet from the entrance of SVMC SI.

911:  What street are you on?

Me:  (Gasping and crying at this point)  I'm on Bard.

911:  What are the cross streets?

Me:  I have no clue

911:  Look at the street signs.

Me:   I'm sitting about 100 feet from the hospital.

911:  Can you get someone to help you?

Me:  That is why I am calling you.

911:  What is the cross street?

Me:  Click, I hung up

By this point the security guard had spotted me and brought over a wheel chair for me.  He brought me to the ER.

I was seen right away.  They have this triage thing that they do.  One moment and you will be taken in.  Okay.  My head is spinning and beginning to feel as if was going to explode.

My cell phone rings.  This is EMS, where are you? 

Me:  I am in SVMC ER.

EMS:  You didn't wait for the ambulance?  (was this a question or not, I couldn't figure out).

Me:  911 said they couldn't send an ambulance.  So I got help elsewhere.

EMS:  okay


I hear my name.  And, attempt to wheel myself in the direction of the voice calling my name.  But, I am going in circles.  The nice security guard comes to my aid.  He goes in and finds out that they didn't call my name.

I wait a few more moments and hear my name again.  He brings me in.

All the while I am trying to keep from vomiting because me head is hurting so much.

They do their stuff.  EKG, blood, neuro exam.  I fail the neuro exam.   Of course, I can't keep my head up and am very weak by this time.

The ER doc said my INR level was too high.  I'm being admitted.

I fall asleep.

Wake up to see I am being wheeled to go for a CAT Scan and Chest XRay.

It was as pleasant as an ER experience could be.  I ask for pain meds, I get it.  A big shot in my IV.  If I still have a headache, I don't care now.

I got in my room quickly and went back to sleep.  A nurse wakes me up.  She has a lot of papers and another big shot.

I was there from Tuesday morning to Friday afternoon.  My neurologist's associates come in and out visiting often.  My pain management doc makes a few appearances.  I'm treated well.

It ends up that I have been having increased seizure activity.  My seizure meds are increased.  I need to follow up with my neuro and they will do an MRI.  (They have their own MRI facility attached to their office.)

I am home, very tired.  With a faint headache.  They held my coumadin (jantoven) while I was there.  My levels are too low now.  I have to follow up with the coumadin center.

Hints for a pleasant hospital experience......

Send your nurse flowers while you are still in the hospital.  You become their favorite patient and they do stuff for you.



Anonymous said...


Sweetie I am so glad you are home.  Please take a Calgon moment and just relax and find your spirit.



Rainbows and Sunbeams.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, you sure are going through a lot LuAnne.  I am glad you are home though.  
That 911 operator needs to be retrained!
I'll have to remember the flower trick.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're back home. Oh dear, what an experience outside the hospital

Anonymous said...

Did they say what type of seizure this was you were having? I have Gran Malseizures and flail around and then go out of it for 4 hours with the worst headache when I wake up. My jaws hurt so bad from clenching my teeth and my muscles are so sore from contracting.

Which ever seizure you had honey, I 'm just glad you were there and they took care of you.

I just hope the State revokes your driving privlages like they have done to me.
hang in there, and REST!!!!!!

Love Kathy
PS.. I hope your med levels are adjusted so this doesn't happen again

Anonymous said...

My last sentence should say "I hope the State DOESN"T REVOKE your driving privilages".... OMG I saw that after it was posted LOL.......

Sorry Lu!!!

Anonymous said...

{{{{Luanne}}}} I am laughing and feeling sorry about youn need for hospitalization-both at the same time. I am glad you are home, but also glad you were close to help when you needed it. Please take care of yourself, and hang in. Margo

Anonymous said...

AWWW!  Sorry you are not feeling well!! I have been thinking about you!  Am so glad to get an alert for your journal...but was so hoping for good news!  I will be praying for you to get back to normal or as normal as you can.  Big hugs friend! TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

LOL oh my the 911 call is way to funny. Not funny that you were there but funny. I'm so sorry you have not been feeling better. I hope the dizziness stops and you are not so tired.

Anonymous said...

(((((Lu dear)))))  I am praying your INR levels will be right soon.  I am sure sorry you got so sick but so thankful your ER experience was a good one and they took good care of you!
loving you
P.S.  I did a journal entry for your eBay store -- I bet you were in the hospital when I wrote it.

Anonymous said...

(((((((Lu)))))))))) I worry so much about you. I Hope you are feeling better now.

When I saw on the news yesterday about that little plane flying into a building in NYC, my first thought was of you. I miss our chats.

Love ya,