I'm afraid today. Just woke up afraid. It's not the normal kind of fearfullness. I am not afraid of my surrounding or of something getting me. I am not scared of a person or place. I'm terrified of Lupus. I hate it. I hate going to bed wondering if I am going to wake up in pain. Or if I am going to have anothing episode of confusion. I hate the dubiosity that Lupus holds over my life.
I do the right things. I take the right meds. I don't overdo it. Yet the pain still comes. Yet the confusion still has control over my brain. Yet I still twich and quiver. Every day of confusion I lose something and I don't get it back.
I remember my Grandma. The last time I saw her. Whether it was just Dementia or the cancer that had spread to her brain. She was very confused. She didn't remember me. Did it start this way? Did she get small periods of confusion? Did she forget how to do things? Why things were done?

I get comments from people. They tell me. Yeah, I forget things all the time. It's just getting older. Getting older, I'm only 47, give me a break. Those comments really piss me off.
Because I'm not just forgetting where my keys are. Or forgetting why I went into a room to do something. I'm forgetting why I went into the car in the first place. I'm not even allowed to drive at all. I've been lost in the supermarket. Not just wondering what I need to buy. Lost as in WANDERING AROUND! Breaking out in a sweat and confused.
I was there on Friday evening with my husband and it happened. If he wasn't with me I would have been a goner. Does anyone understand how disturbing this is for me? I wish it was just forgetting where my keys were.