Monday, September 15, 2003

My day

Not feeling that great today.  Been really sick these past few months.  I had a stroke in May.  It wasn't a really big one, but it threw me for a loop.  That's the day I call
the crash"!  My ulcers are bleeding and causing a lot of pain today.  Oh yes, because of the medication I am on I developed bleeding ulcers.


Anonymous said...

LuAnne, I think this is a wonderful idea. A good way to share with everyone you day to day thoughts, feelings, frustrations and the pain and agony that you suffer. You will be able to go back at a later time and remember that good day you entered. I think this is GREAT.

A Lupie Friend, Vicki from the board.

Anonymous said...

You've taught this old timer something new tonight with this. For that I thank you. I don't know that I'd be able to share my journal... but this may very well help me KEEP a journal.
Know that I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.. that they soon get some answers for you.. in order to get you out of the pain that you are in.

Yet another "Lupie" from the board :)

Anonymous said...


I hope that today is a much better day for you. Thank you for sharing your journal and I hope that you continue to do so.

Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed in 1982, I am 52 now and you name it I have been on it.
Like you, I have good days and bad days...MOre Bad than good.
I hope today and tomorrow and the day after are GOOD days for you.
May God Bless you

Anonymous said...

I am sorry about your stroke... Please know that I think of you and Care.
Well, my kidneys are involved now with my lupus, and I found a lump in my breast  which will be biopsied next week. I am so sick of being sick.
Do you have a supportive family? My husband is my greatest supporter.
I have an adopted daughter whom I never hear from....And my sister, well, she is not in my life, but I am fine with that now.  I now know that she never really loved me, or cared about me, and I have finally accepted that.  When I do die, Noone will be notified.
Stay strong my friend, remember you have alot of people praying for you.
God Bless