Saturday, December 22, 2007


Life is good.  We are building our dream house.  I am here in SC with my family.  Holidays are wonderful because we get to spend them with my brother and his wonderful family.

So could someone please tell me why I am sad.  Why am I crying all the time?  Why am I so irritable? 


Anonymous said...

Isn't that part of your many conditions, Lu-Anne? Don't blame yourself over it. When you speak to a doctor again, maybe bring this up, see what can be done. Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Because it's Christmas... lol.... Sometimes I feel guilty cause I have so much while others don't so it makes the holidays a bit harder I think.... and during the winter time we have less sun so we don't get enough vitamin D wrecking havoc on the emotions too....
Big hugs and baby steps and enjoy the day!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

I had one day about 2 weeks ago where I did the same thing!  I cried off and on all day for no reason!  But then sometime I think God is emptying me of myself, through my tears and then He has room to fill me up with Him.  I think, too, a combination of missing those we love who are now in Heaven, who were always a big part of our Christmases past, wanting to remember everyone you love, in some way, but realizing that realistically your budget has to be adhered to. (I would spend a million dollars each on my 3 grandchildren!)  A big factor for me is to remember that Jesus is the reason!  Period!  This kinda reins me back into the "Spirit" of Christmas and I do what I can and what I am able to do; like making candy, having Christmas Day at my house, "giving" my loved ones food (this always helps!) and making special dishes for some (cherry yum yum for my sister, lemon iced box pie for a brother, letting my grandchildren help make chocolate covered cherries and reese cups and fudge).  And in the end making warm fuzzy memories, and , hopefully traditions that will be handed down to Christmases in the future!  This sounds pretty good coming from me today, because yesterday I stayed in bed most of the day and didn't want to get up til Christmas was over!  I just had to do a lot of praying and mind talking and then finally doing what I knew had to be done or else my family would be sad and we would all miss the joy of Christmas.  Praise God for his Grace and Mercy!

Anonymous said...

Could be all the changes going on right now in your life and how you are feeling.  Just take it one day at a time, look forward to what tomorrow will bring you and yours in your new area and beautiful new home.  Allow yourself to enjoy dear.
Merry Christmas, Bless you all.  Arlene (AJ)

Anonymous said...

feel better:) wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas


Anonymous said...

stress, anixety, holidays, it could be a combonation of things Lu... Hormones?
Throw that in there and yes you've got the tears and crying spells.

I went to mail you a Christmas card and looked up your addy in my book and realised that was from NY ! So shame on me for not getting your new address sooner.
Wishing you a wondeferul upcoming week with the families.


Anonymous said...

Maybe because the house isn't done yet or maybe because you miss New York or maybe because you aren't feeling well... lots of reasons... {{{ Lu }} I am so sorry!!!  I hope you start to feel happier soon!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Hi Lu,  Merry Christmas............

I get these weeks to. I just don't want to get out of bed or deal with the world and I cry a lot. It is LUPUS depression. There is no reason to be depressed but Lupus don't care. I thing Lupus is just a depresent it self. It is one of the things it dose to our bodys. The tears are always right at the top and I cry for no reason.
I try to do things walking with the dog when I can is the best. Walking in the store anything to get your mind off of it even a good movie helps.

You are always in my prayers Lu. I pray you feel better soon.
A Blessed & Merry Christmas to you and yours

love  eileen

Anonymous said...

OKay, so like I just noticed this entry.  This you may not believe in, but I believe in chemical depression (I mean depression caused by a brain chemistry imbalance).  Have you asked your doctor about it?  If you want to talk to me more about it, email me.  Love you Sweetie,

Krissy :)