In 2012 our daughter, Lauren, was married. Right after the wedding they moved back to NY and it devastated me. Especially when she gave birth to my first grandson, Lucas, in June of 2013. I flew up for his birth and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Happily, they moved back here in 2014. They moved in with us.
For about 10 months, we had all of our children and their families with us.
In the summer of 2013 my son, Gary, was married. Then the following June they presented me with another grandson, Gary Christopher Trivelli III.
While my daughter in-law was in labor, they made a pit stop to the real estate office to sign the closing documents for the purchase of their new home. Imagine that?
Here they are...........

My son and his wife are expecting a girl. This little princess will make her arrival in October.
My life has been blessed more than I could have ever imagined. I really don't know why I am surprised because God is great.
We have been living in South Carolina for 8 years now and I couldn't be happier here. The few times we went back to New York, I could hardly recognize it. The traffic was horrific. I felt as if the large buildings were going to crash down on me. Here in South Carolina everything is so spread apart and apart from very few areas there are no structures of the size they are in NY. Everything is so close together in NY. As I got off the plane in Newark Airport, I could smell it. The air stunk. I had been living in that place for 50 years that I was so used to it. Used to everything. Oh, NY has it's perks. The food is better. Here in SC, I cannot get food items that I purchased on a regular basis in NY. But, I have adapted.
My vernacular is different. I still have my NY accent. But, now I say things such as, "Let me do this right quick" or "I reckon." Some things that I always said are Clicker instead of remote. Short end of the stick instead of treated unfairly.
I miss NY diners, bagels, good pizza, ricotta to make Cannolli, pinwheel port sausage (although I can get it at Whole Foods, it's just not the same.) I especially miss Chinese food delivery.
We have a better life here. It's a slower pace. You can actually see the stars. When my sister in-law visited we went to the supermarket. People were saying "Hi" to us. She asked if we knew them. No, I said. The look on her face was priceless.