Monday, June 18, 2007


Good Morning!

It's been almost a month since I last wrote an entry in this journal.  I have been so busy preparing for our move to Easley, SC .  We are moving on Juloy 14th.

Also, I have been neglectful in commenting on other's journals.  Please forgive me.

On June  7th I was sitting in my doctor's waiting room when I started to feel my face and upper body on the left side begin to feel tight , get tingly and go numb.  I got the attention of his receptionist and she called him out to check on me.  He had just finished with his patient and took me in his office.  He examined me and suspected that I was having another TIA so he sent me right over to the ER.  I panicked and ended up driving.  Stupid I know.  At the ER they took tests (blood, X-ray, CAT scan.)  It was determined that my coumadin level was too low.  it was 1.9. A therapeutic range for someone with APS is 3 to 3.5 so I was admitted for observation and stroke watch.  I was hooked up to a heparin IV as a precaution and my coumadin (I take the generic form called Jantoven) was increased.

Needless to say I was not happy about being in the hospital.  I just wanted to go home and I made everyone there aware of that fact.  I was not a very good patient.  But I knew that I needed to stay so I calmed down.  Plus they gave me something to relax me.  Which it did very well.



Now when I get admitted to the hospital I tell Gary to stay at work.  It's not necessary for him to come hold my hand.  It's fine that he comes after work.  In the beginning when I got sick he would always leave work.  It got to the point that sometimes I would be in the hospital two times a month.  He always wants to leave work but now I make him wait until he gets off.


I only ended up staying overnight.  Although early Friday morning I started to have some visual problems so the hospital attending doctor (they call them hospitalists now) had to be called.  I heard them over the loudspeaker calling him STAT to my room.  The visual disturbance only lasted an hour or so.  They saw no cause to worry.  But, (as those of you who are familiar with being in the hospital know) they come to draw blood a few times during the day.  The Hospitalist returned to my room to tell me that my H and H was off and they suspected internal bleeding somewhere.  The tech returned to take even more blood.  My counts were returning to normal.  But they wanted one more blood draw before they discharged me.  It came back fine and I was released at 6:00 PM. 


 I was very happy to get home. 

I'm asking all of my readers to pray for Dawn of

Dawn has some serious health issues.  Please visit her journal and offer support.

Thank you!